Monday, March 19, 2012

Queenstown/Milford Sound

~*(@#&@!&#*&!@#(~*!23((#@&$#(*^@         <time machine to February 13

So I would separate Queenstown and Milford Sound into two posts, because they are two completely different places. but honestly I just used Queenstown as a place to crash. Waste of a totally awesome city, I know. It will have to be done on my 3rd trip to NZ:) 

I ended up getting sickish from cold weather/exhaustion/crap immune system? So the end of my time in NZ was not the party I'd hoped for, but still pretty amazing. It took a very long, not so fun bus ride to get to Queenstown. Where I promptly passed out. Ya, I was the girl who went to bed at like 7. I know how to party:) Then the next morning it was up early to get back on the bus out to Milford Sound. Which is a fiord ("is a long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created in a valley carved by glacial activity." (Wikepedia)...yep citing my sources here. basically a research paper here) Anyways it is absolutely breathtaking. A long day because we started at 8 on a bus stopping at lovelies along the way, then hopped on a boat at 2, then got back into Queenstown at like 7. And all that time my nose is running like a faucet. awesome. But it was spectacular and of course I wouldn't have wanted to leave it out.
Fog on the bus ride.

Some lake...started with a "w" maybe and had a lot of vowels?? (this is what I get for waiting over a month to blog about this stuff...)

I like this picture...feel free to like it too.

Some town where we stopped for a "cuppa", aka morning tea...not sure how they would actually spell that.

Mirror Lake (check out the reflection? clever name right??)

Mirror lakes don't work so well when it's windy.

This is the only reason I remembered it was called mirror memory is a failure.

Waterfalls...out of a bus window. photo skills right here.

Aftermath of tree avalanches.

Hanging glacier...out the roof of the bus.

gorgeous...minus all the people at the bottom...

Heaps of mini waterfalls...if you can see them?

From the boat dock. amazing.

HELLO wind.

Seriously do these pics even need words?? I think not.


We got a little wet:)

....and camera dies here. good thing we were almost done:)

Insert point at which Meghan crashed of exhaustion/sickness once again. And then an early bus the next morning to Dunedin. So basically all I saw of Queenstown was my bed in my hostel.

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