Friday, March 9, 2012

basically a local.

I've officially been here 3 weeks! and I like to think of myself as a local....hahaha. Reasons why it is probably still sooooo obvious I'm not: the accent (still got it, dang. I think maybe I could fake an Aussie one but I"m scared to try and I think it would come out as weird British anyways.), the fact that I whip out my map/tourist guide everywhere I go, I still look lost/petrified about getting lost most times I board public transportation, it still takes me an extra 2 minutes to figure out which coins are which so that I pay them the right amount, my stereotypical tourist beach towel, and my peeling sunburn (I feel like every who's local already has a perfect tan). But I feel officially all settled in, and to be honest sometimes my life is kind of boring even though I'm in Sydney. I go to school, go grocery shopping, do laundry, and all that not so exciting jazz. Fun fact about each of those just for your entertainment. School: I have to write a paper for every class, and I think some of my finals are essay form. I hate writing. This semester might kill me. Grocery shopping: I had to carry my groceries home...and it's 0.77 miles home, with hills. Too bad I bought Cadbury and Timtams....or I'd be buff. Laundry: most people don't have dryers here. So when it rains for days on end, your laundry piles up. Unfortunately I don't have pictures to acompany the blog post about those things...well I could but can you imagine John and Ruta's thoughts as I'm out snapping pics to post on here of my laundry hanging out to dry?? Ya, I'm pretty sure they already think I'm enough of a freak:)

So awesome pictures of my life are lacking. But you're getting a blog post anyways. Lucky you.

It rained SO MUCH this week. Literally like half of Australia is flooding. I thought down under was gonna go under....but we've had a couple days of sun. And of course I managed to go to the beach twice this week, I call it a success since we only had 3 days of sun....hahaha. But the rain made me grumpy and homesick. Definitely decided I am an Arizona girl at heart and probably will be stuck there forever.

Anywho. maybe I'll do something exciting tomorrow. and take pictures. or not. and take pictures.
moral of that is....get ready for pictures:)

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