Friday, May 4, 2012


After my few days in Brisbane I hopped on a plane and made the long haul across Australia. 5 hours. Ew.  Perth is lovely, but getting there from practically anywhere, is not. And flights that get in at midnight and then getting to a crap hostel at 1 in the morning is just not my idea of the best night ever. But things got significantly better from this rocky start:) I spent the first day wandering around downtown then met up with Rachel, and ended up staying at her and her brother's place for the whole week.....ya, I know you're thinking, "wow, they put up with you for that long!!" and the answer is yes, they really are that awesome. And even though we had the fun adventure of living in the dark ages with no electricity (they have power companies with lameo customer service here too), it was still like the best time ever.

So here is Perth!
They claimed this was the concert/entertainment venue....
I now compare everything to the opera house and this one was severely lacking.

Random statue.

I think Perth was like, "hm we really have nothing that cool like a harbor bridge, or an opera house. let's just build something random!!" and this is the product of that conversation.

Yep, so random. It's a bell tower. And the bells play sometimes and it's pretty. But they really want you to pay to go up it. But seriously you would go up probably like 3 floors, max. Needless to say I wasn't super impressed. Sorry, Perth......

I did take the required 50 photos of though. I'm not a complete tourist failure.

They have this one random street that is supposed to resemble London. I'd rather see the real thing....
The next day I headed out to Fremantle. A town near Perth, perhaps could be considered a suburb? Not really sure how they classify themselves, but anyways. It is the cutest little town!!! It has like all old style buildings, and cutesy shops. Such fun wanderings. I'm pretty sure it was where people first landed on that side of Australia. Pretty sure.
Fremantle railway station.

I liked this building...


Indian Ocean....holla!!!

When you go to Perth in the summer, you should go out to the island you can kinda-sorta see in the distance. Apparently there is awesome snorkeling. (Rottnest Island for those of you planning your epic Australian adventures.)

I'm a baby, and thought it was a wee bit chilly for a swim. But my toes have been in the Indian Ocean, so I'm totally crossing it of my list of oceans in the world I need to swim in.

Fremantle Prison. It's their touristy thing.

It was a little worrisome that this was attached to the outside of the prison.....
I'm assuming they started here after  the prison actually had prisoners.
And someday there will be more of Perth... just not today:) But I feel like I'm doing better than I was with NZ I'm still feeling pretty good about it!

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