Friday, June 15, 2012

try and have a bad day.....

....while looking at this pics. Simply can't be done. (You didn't actually think I was telling you to have a bad day did you?!?!) Not that I've had like the worst day ever or anything, I'll admit I've had better. But sun and the most delicious microwave Indian dinner from Wooly's make it a wee bit better. (Seriously it was like suspicious packages that looked like space food but after 2 minutes in the microwave tasted pretty freaking delicious. Sure it was probably super processed and unhealthy but anyways....don't kill my buzz.) Anyways and then I was like "ooo I should post these beauties" and my day went up like 50 points on the awesomeness scale. 

These were from round two of VIVID. It was wet but still fabulous. (oh hey speaking of rain, one of my attempts at not studying was to calculate how much rain Sydney has had since I've been was twice as much as AZ has had in the past year and 1/2. Good use of my time? I think yes.)

Everyone loves an awesome glowing box!!! (not sarcasm.if you don't love awesome glowing boxes. well, get out.)

Oh wait the boxes were actually supposed to be the heads of dogs??
weird, go back to thinking they are just awesome boxes.

little bit wet.

This particular beauty had me hyped up like no other drug ever could. Not that I'm admitting a drug problem here....
I'm studying for my drug class, I can't help it if my mind is on drugs. promise.

Seriously though. FABULOUSNESS in a light form.

Even just looking at the pictures now still makes me giddy.


Yasmin was probably trying to pretend she didn't know the freak who was snapping 500 pictures
and giggling like a school girl at this point....

Last one, promise. (but check out that reflection, schweet.)

So an awesome pic, but a fail attempt at tic-tac-toe. C'mon kids......

A trippy feet photo.

Another sweet reflection of the giant lake-sized puddle.

I got my shoes totally soaked for this one folks. you best appreciate it.

Remember this building from the 50 photos I took last time? Well I took 50 more....

Every time it changed I would just be like "So awesome!!!"

and again.

and again.

and....well I think you get my point.

still awesome.

last one....

everything looks better in pretty colors...

oops....I forgot. This is for reals the last one:)

Remember the horrible photos of the opera house last time? No, probably because they were so pathetic. These are better.

Wouldn't you love to be the girl who could say "oh ya, that's me plastered larger than life on the opera house"??

Still love this one.

so blue.

check out that reflection....I"m pretty proud of it. Even though I had no part in creating it....
so really I guess I'm proud of my iPhone for capturing it.

see, this has to make your day at least a little better??

too bad the girl on the opera house decided she had cramps and had to curl into the fetal position....

Ok, so you would think these might not be that cool. but I loved them....

Yasmin and I might have snapped a picture every 2 seconds because they kept changing color so we'd be like,
"ooo this ones good"

And this one too!!!

Oh pink!!!

And before we new it, we had a ton.


even the po-po had cool lights.

I started to read this and then my eyes started crossing...

You could try reading the picture version if your looking to waste 5 minutes of your life.

little, dodgy allies look less dodgy with pretty lights.
So hopefully this made your day a little better. And my apologies because this post seems especially exaggerated. in case you haven't noticed I feel like it's better to talk about things in 50s, 500s, or 5,000s, when usually it's really more like 2....and I overuse ellipses. and sometimes I'm not sure how well sarcasm comes across on a blog and sometimes I feel like it comes across as sarcastic when it is meant as 100% seriousness. And I make up words and spellings. And my capitalization is spotty at best...but who am kidding, I'm not going to change any of these things even if you hate them:) so sorry, but please just stop reading if any of these things cause you to lose sleep at night. And yes I am just hard core rambling at this point because I really don't want to study!!!!

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