Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How To:turn your pathetic moments into life lessons

This week is my last week of classes....whaaa??? (I.go.home.in.25.days. Commence extreme sadness and simultaneous excitement.) Tomorrow is my first Australian exam. And although it really shouldn't be a bad one I'm kinda being a baby and freaking out about it. So I've been studying. But that's not really my pathetic moment, although if you witnessed my "studying" you might think so.....

But really this post title comes from how I spent my last 15 minutes. Being that this is my last week of class, my last audiology class starts like....now. But Sydney is currently in the middle of a raging storm. Or at least it's been pouring rain, I keep hearing mysterious thumps, it's been pitch dark out for a while now, and sirens have been regularly occurring for a while. Being the oh-so-studious student that I am, I let none of this stop me. I put on extra socks and grabbed my trusty umbrella to go wait for the bus to get to class. Then as I stood pelted by a rain/wind combo, clinging to dear life to my umbrella, while my teeth were chattering I realized that even if the bus came in the next 2 minutes and I didn't have to wait till I was totally and completely soaked, I would still have to trek back from the bus after class tonight. So after waiting for the bus for approximately 3 minutes (practically nothing in the world of buses) I decided it just wasn't worth it. So I came home, made some cocoa, and now I'm blogging about it. Instead of simply dwelling on the fact that it takes shockingly little to give me an excuse not to go to class, I like to think that this is one of the life lessons I will take from my time here: Lectures that can be listened to online are not worth making yourself miserable over. 

So there you have it. Take your pathetic moments and turn them into lessons that will change.your.life.

ps. I'm pretty sure this is the most dramatic blog post I have ever written. I apologize/you're welcome for the entertainment. This studying might have put me over the edge....

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