Monday, June 11, 2012


More parental adventure pictures. 

So after our day out on the reef we took a day tour out of Cairns to the Tablelands. Rainforesty/waterfalls/awesomeness a wee south of Cairns. We basically sat in a bus looking at pretty things all day interrupted only by eating. My idea of a fabulous day for sure. First stop was Lake Barrine for delicious tea and scones and a nice, but chilly cruise around the lake.

Cutest,wee baby duckies.

So many nice chairs on top....too bad it was uber wet and chilly.

If you would like 50,000 more pictures of trees around the lake hit up my parents,
 because my dad just kept snapping away...

lilies. soooo pretty.

I'm pretty sure this tree was especially cool for being old or tall or straight or having a weird growth or something:)

Seriously go here, even if it's just for the scones with cream and jam. YUM.

Oh and it's pretty too I guess:)

And then we stopped to wander through the rainforest and check out all the wicked plants that can kill/hurt you. Needless to say I decided against just tramping off into the forest after that talk. But we also checked out this wicked curtain fig tree. There are also some pretty schweet ones in downtown Cairns if you don't make it out to this one in the middle of the forest somewhere...

The branches grow out and then send down little support things and it just keeps building and building....they can't age it because they cant really get to the old part in the middle but they think its at least a couple hundred years old.


Some waterfall that I don't remember the name of. 

This camera angle makes us look ginormous. thanks Asian on the tour with us:) 

Some frizzy hair.

And some other place in the background that I can't remember....
really should write these things right after I get back and not a month later.
And then there was some more. But you'll get that another day. When I can remember absolutely nothing about what we did:) kidding. but really. memory=fail. I'm going to be a horrid old person.

oops. I forgot I had taken like 5 picture on my camera. So here are some more that are completely out of order and random. you're welcome.

See the snake?? It's an anaconda!!!!! EPIC!

Mom and Dad in front of the fantasmic tree.

I realllyyy like this tree. I want one but I don't think it would go over so well in AZ.

In case you didn't like my explanation:)

Oh you know just some plants that can KILL YOU!!!!!

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