Sunday, June 10, 2012

just in case you are mistaken that I'm mature...

 When Yasmin suggested we do something Saturday night, I'm pretty sure she was thinking like dinner. I of course was thinking LUNA PARK!!!! Luna Park is the cheeseball carnival/amusement park in Sydney that is legitimately ancient. Its nothing disneyland-esque for sure, but I felt it was necessary for part of my "Sydney experience". So we headed downtown for our usual why-can't-we-find-anywhere-to-eat-in-a-city-with-a-million-restaurants dinner, then battled with everyone else in Sydney to get on the ferry (seriously the most people I have ever seen downtown), enjoyed the lights and freezing wind on our short hop across the harbor on the ferry, worried that we had gotten on the wrong ferry as ours was soooo not slowing down/headed in the right direction at one point, and finally arrived at Luna Park where I proceeded to bounce around like a 5 year old hyped up on cotton candy.....

On the ferry....

Circular Quay in my favorite

I tried again with the opera house pictures....and failed again. That's a person on there if you are wonder what the dark shadowy figure is...

I really should see if there is something on my camera that let's me take better pictures at night. But seeing as how my camera is dying and might not live to see another day once I'm back in the states I figure why learn now??

This is why allllll the Aussie boys come running:) ha. more like they alllllll go running....

Luna Park here we come!!!! cute.

oh wait....sooo not cute.

You're welcome for the nightmares this face gives you:)

It is for reals a creeper.

Ferris wheel!

view from the top.

aw:) gonna miss these two!!! guess I'll just have to go to Europe to visit. dang:)

why yes we did ride this madness called the flying saucer where you don't get strapped in at all and feel like you might fly out at multiple points during the ride....

After Louise had finished the photo shoot for the drunk boys and while ogling the po-po party happening, a nice lady tried so hard to get this picture....and you can't even really see us. sad day.

 So I would say my weekend-long celebration of the Queen's bday and avoiding studying for exams is going quite well. A spectacular Sunday completed and a marvelous Monday still to come. And then a terrible Tuesday and a worrisome Wednesday before my next exam.....(why yes those are all awesome alliterations, thanks for noticing!!!!)

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