Monday, June 25, 2012


You can count the number of days I have left in Australia on one crazy!!!! I have moments where it really hits me that I'm leaving and I'm like, "oh snap, I'm gonna miss this". Then I just tell myself I'll be back and I feel a wee bit better:) So this post is from Melbourne, from my phone (so please excuse if there are more typos than usual...), from the library (because it's warm, I can sit, and it has wifi....basically a trifecta). Other than the fact that it has been cold and my feet hurt from walking all all over, Melbourne has been FABULOUS. Seriously such a good way to wind up my time down under. I will of course sure more...with pictures once my computer and I are reunited. But just to make you jealous....I spent my afternoon at a coffee shop on a cutesy street. Drinking tea ( yes, I like tea now....after being offered a cuppa 5 million times I succumbed and turns out I like the stuff, especially of you add sugar and milk:)Although I can still only handle usually 1 cup a day as opposed to the usual Aussie 6, so they haven't had complete success in converting me) from a cute teacup with a side of honey on a silver platter with a delicious veggie frittata. good!!! That was when I had one of my "ohemgee, I'm gonna miss this moments". More Melbourne adventures to come as hopefully getting home goes a wee bit more smoothly than getting here(more on that later too...)

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