Warning: this is going to get a little gushy.
Today's the day. Remember how 5 months ago I was freakishly scared/excited fro all the adventures that awaited me??? Sometimes I can't believe it has possibly been that long, but then I think about all I've done, all the memories I've made, and all new friends I've found and I can believe it.
Before I left multiple people told me that studying abroad would "change my life". I'm a little skeptical of that phrase because your life is always changing. If I had stayed home and sat on my bum my life still would have changed because that's what life does: it goes on. But I can't argue that this has been one of the best experiences ever. I've learned so much about myself, the amazing people and places that exist out there, and as cheesy as it sounds more about the world itself. I could ramble on trying to say what I'm feeling and failing, but then you would all just get confused and bored and I would probably just get sadder about leaving. So I'll save you from it. But do me and yourselves a favor.
Travel, experience the world outside your comfort zone.
Make new friends, there are some amazing people out there just waiting for you to get to know them.
Cherish the people you do have in your life, especially the ones you see everyday that you might take for granted.
Take those last three things seriously, even though they sound like I copied them from some inspirational website:)
Ps. even though I am headed stateside this afternoon, I have some Australian adventures I have yet to share. So there will for sure be some more posts for a while at least, and I've actually kind of fallen in love with blogging so I might just keep it up even when the most fabulous things in my life include: school, an honors thesis, and the GRE. But in case I don't....someday, when my life gets that extra little shot of fabulous, I'll be back.
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