Saturday, February 18, 2012

what you've all been waiting for!!!!

I like to pretend that I have a massive blog following and that you all have just been sitting at home twiddling your thumbs incessantly checking to see if I have updated my blog....
well the time has finally come!

I made it safely to Sydney. Met up with Andrea and kinda sorta started unpacking all my stuff.  We went to the shopping and bought some groceries and a few essentials that my room didn't have/I forgot to bring. My room here is really nice. Looks just like the pics I posted a while ago. And John (the man that owns the house) and Ruta (my other roommate) are both super sweet. So I think I will make out just fine here for the next 4 months. The only problem is the bird....yep John has a bird. But it stays in its cage and I stare it down whenever I'm around. I like to think that I'm ferocious so I probably scared it:) There are birds everywhere!!! Like cool ones, and I don't even like birds so that's saying something!!!!see here...

Right?!? And these aren't even the coolest ones! (p.s. this last pic was waaaay zoomed in. No way was I that close to them)

Sydney is a lot bigger than anywhere I've been in New Zealand the past two weeks and I'm pretty sure I will get lost for at least the next that should be fun:) On our outing today I was right about which way we were supposed to go about 50% of the it should go really well once Andrea leaves:)

We made our way to the shopping center, which feels more like China than Australia. Seriously SUCH a heavy Asian population. But I'm excited for some freaking delicious Chinese food. We had to laugh today because we found an Indian restaurant where the menu was all in Chinese. And we found these fruits called achacha's. SO FUN. They are pretty delicious too....but really it's just more fun to say ACHACHA. (go ahead and try it. you know you want to:)

Then we walked over to the university. About a 40 minute ya I will definitely be taking the bus:) But for the first time we thought we'd try the walk. The campus is a little different from ASU, mostly because it's so GREEN. So many trees and grass!!! A lot more open feeling, but still feels like the standard university. 

Don't I just look like I belong here?!?

Ummm...Andrea took an "action shot"

Thankfully they had this helpful little stake labeled road or we would have been soooo lost:)


So there are about 50,000 of these completely random statues all over campus. Maybe someday I will find out if they actually have any meaning, but don't get your hopes up.

Picture two of my declaration to "take a picture of every random statue around campus", don't get your hopes up about this one either....
I think I will sign off for now. There are two fabulous weeks of New Zealand that you missed out on that I will have to update you on two, but I will probably just start throwing those in whenever my life gets boring:) But they are coming. I promise.

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