Friday, December 30, 2011

Vegas Baby!!!

Now you're confused right?!?! a post about Vegas on a blog about Australia? bahahaha. I basically tricked you into thinking you were going to read a way cool blog and now that you're addicted you're going to find out that really you just get to read about my life. And all the insanity that comes with it:)

But back to the and my bestie/roomie went to Vegas last week!!! And we basically rocked it. We walked the strip...with a puppy. Not one of our best ideas as Sadie feels the need to take naps every five feet and has a freakish love for fake grass. But we did it sans-puppy and had fun too:)

So now you get lots of pretty pictures:)
Look....a pretty rainbow! and taken out of a car window.we.have.skills.

Cute little puppy face!!!who can resist?

Why yes my head is covering the "io" and no there is not a new hotel on the strip called the "Bellag".

Phone calls from the lobby of the Bellagio....because obviously we are just that cool.

Anyone want to buy this ceiling and then donate to my future home??

Yep, that's a fake penguin and Staci!!!

I point awkwardly in pictures and Staci just snaps them instead of telling me I'm awkward.

The ultimate holiday card!!! I wish! This is an amazing mural-esque thing that was made entirely out of flowers.

This is us trying to pretend that us standing in front of  the fake , mini Eiffel tower is as cool as our roommate being at the real one in France currently:(

You basically can't tell the difference right?!?

This is my "I just won the lottery and am going on a shopping spree at Gucci" face....I practiced just in case:)

Everything looks cooler in Vegas...Ross and we even saw a Motel 6 that looked enticing.

Classic coke drinking face...everyone does this, you don't??try it....and then send me a picture:)

Why do I have a picture where we mostly just look sunburnt? Well  we are in an elevator!Inside a Coke bottle!!
Guess you had to be there:)

Proof that we don't melt in the sun.

Staci's dad works on Thunderbirds so we went to the base to visit. SO.COOL.

We do love each other, but really it was just that freezing outside.

Staci and her daddy!

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