Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tourguide Meghan

Kind of like tourguide barbie...but not.

So Elisabeth came to visit from New Zealand. We met in Dunedin when Andrea was there and reconnected when I was there again. And she came to visit!!! So I of course took the day off to play tourguide.....well try anyways. Because I still don't really know Sydney like the back of my hand. We actually went to Taronga Zoo, which I had never been to ever. tourguide fail. But then we did some shopping!! And I'm pretty good at knowing my way around the mall;)

So I have some pretty awesome pics of the zoo, because it is quite possibly has the best view for a zoo ever. But as of right now my camera is NOT uploading my pics. technology fail. So until further notice this blog is going to stink.

And I am currently blowing/sneezing my brains out. Literally. (question: does anyone else's eyeballs hurt from blowing their nose? or is that freakishly unnormal?) I really need to be finishing my assignment so that I can play tourguide some more when my PARENTS GET HERE TOMORROW!!! woot.woot. but all I want to do is sleep.

And I'm pretty sure tourguide is two words (spell check is telling me it is anyways, but I really like it better as one. So deal with it.

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